
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Welcome to Global Grub

I've been cooking for about 15 years, making a mix of international foods, regional foods, strange snack foods, foods you probably should never make for yourself.  Things like bacon, marshmallows, pickles, cheese, and beer.  Foods from Cambodia, Morocco, Cuba, and Iceland.  To be fair, people make these things all the time - they just don't make them all.  Whenever I meet someone from another culture, I will inevitably ask them "so, what do you eat there?"  This has helped me to expand my knowledge of dishes, spices, and recipes.  And before I experience complete digestive failure from refusing to let my stomach have a steady diet, I'm going to post as many of my findings and experiments as possible.

I've set up this blog in the hopes that more people learn to cook through my experiences or, at the very least, that people will be less scared of the kitchen.  I'll try to be informative, drawing on authors and cooks like Mark Bittman, Harold McGee, Irma Rombauer, and little bits of information I picked up from friends, chefs, TV shows, and magazines over the past 10 years or so.  I will cite the appropriate sources when possible, and although I do tend to follow the CASE (copy and steal everything) method, sometimes I'll actually adapt a recipe to suit my tastes or techniques.

Armed with my sausage stuffer, pasta rollers, and other assorted kitchen gadgets, I'm going to keep making new dishes and posting the results for the world to see.  Perhaps this will just be for me and my friends, as a reference guide.  Or perhaps this blog can be something greater - a site for those who wish to learn about essential dishes of other cultures, or long-lost ways of preparing your own foods from scratch.  I don't know yet, but I'll keep posting if readers keep stopping by.

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